I made it to Lima 2 days ago and I have been really enjoying the city. The weather is nice, the people are friendly, and (at least around Miraflores) it’s quite safe. Above you can see people paragliding from the cliffs in Miraflores. There is a park (one of many in Miraflores) that runs along the cliffs.
I think it’s important to remember that Lima has a desert climate. All the green that you see has been planted and continues to be water. Lima gets very little rain throughout the year.
I always like to explore a city on foot, but this time I decided to join a bike tour. The company I used was called Lima Bike (http://limabike.pe). To my surprise, it went up to Cruz del Papa, a cross on the top of a large hill with a great view of the city and the ocean. It was a fantastic tour. The guides were friendly and knowledgeable and the pace was good for everyone. The hill was certainly a challenge but it made the tour into a bit of an adventure.
This was the other surprise. Almost at the top of this hill, you can see Jesus. Apparently this was given to the city by a Brazilian company. Can you spot the desert climate now? On the opposite side as Jesus, you can see the cross. It lights up at night and can be seen from quite a ways away.